Saturday, July 4, 2009

So, what do you do all summer?

I'm pretty psyched about summer this year, for reasons ranging from the hope that New England will see sunny days sometime in the next century to my intense need to get my life back on a regular, normal, 9 to 5 schedule. I'm posting for the first time since we have successfully completed our Orientation programs and we get a little time to breathe.

"So, what do you do all summer?" I know that my list is pretty long. I could bore you with details of a ton of projects, but instead I want to celebrate the discretionary approach to work that we get to use during the summer. During the year, campus activities life is consistently responding to the needs of others. Whether it's students, faculty, administrators, or the needs relating to a looming deadline or a pressing event, we get very used to living "in the moment" to address whatever is breathing down our necks.

During the summer, we get to decide what gets done. I love the joy that comes from a "to-do list" that tackles projects that have been pestering me for months. I also love that I get to pick what those projects will be!

I know that there's but a short six weeks left until we are back to the regular way of life, but I'm going to settle in, hope that our office's AC is working, and enjoy the fact that I'm once again in the driver's seat of my own life.