Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Which Spring "Fest" is best?

College students of America, I have a question.

What possesses you to stand on sidewalks with obvious containers of booze in large herds of 300 of your closest friends, leave trash all over your front lawn, and then spend the next three days talking about how embarrassed you are about the behavior of other students?

Faculty members of America, I have another question.

You email half of the campus calling for a reduction in organized Springfest events to curb the off campus drinking issues. Do you honestly think that a Springfest Drive In Movie is what prompts off campus celebrations?

We all know that whether we sponsor a Drive In Movie, a Carnival or nothing at all... the last Saturday in April is going to bring some partying on our campus. It's the last hurrah before finals kick in and if there is good weather, it's time to drink if the "right" people are living off campus that year. What I am struggling with is what there is to do when the entire campus is in an uproar about how "crazy" Springfest was and it has nothing to do with anything organized by program committee. They work their butts off to sponsor some great stuff, and I have yet to hear anything positive about the fact they got 1700 students in the Athletics center for a comedian or filled up the athletic field with fun stuff for a carnival.

My question is this though - what do you do if you are the VP when half the campus is calling for the elimination of this "event?"

1 comment:

li'lmickey said...

First well written second. I am not a vice president so I don't know what to do -- but wait do they even know what to do? Generally their responses range from the apathetic -- I intend to do nothing to the pathetic fireputtterouter -- We've got to do something about the topsy-turvey-no-way-to-anticipate-their-reaction reality. Now, my tone is obnoxious and my VPs were all great however, much like local TV news we're subject to whatever (or whomever in the case of the faculty) is loudest!